This program presents the construction techniques for fabricating dynamic pelite foot orthotic inserts. Step by step instructions are demonstarted for the construction of the inserts. Demonstration constructing inserts for a child with neuromotor disorder is included.
Handouts are included in PDF File Format. Provided in MP4 download only.
1. List the steps for drawing the insert.
2. List the steps for supporting the various arches of the foot.
3. Describe the dynamic arching system of the foot.
Level I Introductory/no prerequisites required.
Accepted by NBCOT for PDUs. Approved by the California Speech Therapy Board, the New York PT Board, California PT Board and the Illinois PT Board. For other State PT Board approvals click on CEU Course Approvals on the CEU Course Listing Page.
High Speed Internet Connection Required. Wireless connections may not be consistently fast enough to watch long video files. You may need to have your computer connected directly to your high speed modem via an internet cable.
Occupational, speech, physical therapists, certified athletic trainers, and other rehabilitation specialists. For special needs requests please contact us by phone or email. Phone 575-526-0012. Fax 575-526-0014.