ARTICLE1: Sensory Aspects of Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Presented By: Christine A. Nelson, OTR, Ph.D., FAOTA

1.5 Contact Hours - 0.15 CEUs - 1.50 PDUs
$15.00 per person
Course Description
Cerebral palsy is a sensory-motor disorder that disrupts the normal postural reflex mechanism and alters the input from sensory systems. In our most limited consideration of the phenomenon of sensation, we focus on the neurologist’s pin-prick test to know whether there is gross responsiveness of the skin area in question. We speak of the sensory systems and think of vision, hearing and a sense of smell to investigate our world. As therapists we are keenly aware of the vestibular, kinesthetic and tactile senses that permit us to reach the central nervous system and influence its output. One of the most important aspects of sensation when working with neuromotor conditions is the interaction within proprioception, between firm pressure and vestibular input. That interaction permits the righting reactions, which rely on deep pressure receptors, to establish a relationship with the equilibrium reaction that depend on visual and vestibular information to control the position of the body in space.
Learning Outcomes
1. Describe the differences between the serial image of sensory input and multi-dimensional inputs
2. List at least two ways that normal infants demonstrate the ability to shift from one sensory mode to
3. Describe two ways in which the therapist can utilize rhythm and timing of movement to achieve a desired
4. List at least 4 ways that the concepts in this article can lead to more effective treatment for persons with
neurodevelopmental disorders.
Seminar Level
Level I Introductory/no prerequisites required.
Accepted by NBCOT for PDUs. Approved by the New York State PT Board, California PT Board, Illinois PT Board. For other State PT Board approvals click on CEU Course Approvals.
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Target Audience
Occupational, physical, speech therapists and other rehabilitation specialists. For special needs requests please contact us at
Order Options
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