ARTICLE5: The Concept of Forced Use as an Element of Therapy Handling
Presented By: Christine A. Nelson, OTR, Ph.D., FAOTA

1 Contact Hours - 0.10 CEUs - 1.00 PDUs
$15.00 per person
Course Description
The idea of forcing or requiring the use of a less active limb occurs readily as a solution to strengthen the response of the weaker and slower arm or leg. This has a strong basis in the fact that reduced use over time results in further weakening, lack of awareness and even more reduced frequency of use. This phenomenon is observed clearly in acquired trauma due to stroke or head trauma. It is also seen in some children who have not been exposed to active therapy handling at an early age. If we think of the concept of “forced use” as a continuum we will recognize that the active. handling that includes the concept of “inhibition” as it was introduced by Dr. Karel and Berta Bobath was a form of stopping the abnormal reactions in order to permit or require a more active response toward the normal. There is emphasis placed on moving the body weight over the more affected hemiplegic side.
Learning Outcomes
1. The Concept of Forced Use as an Element of Therapy Handling
2. Describe preparation activities that may enhance the effectiveness of forced use.
Seminar Level
Level I Introductory/no prerequisites required.
Accepted by NBCOT for PDUs. Approved by the New York State PT Board, California PT Board, Illinois PT Board. For other State PT Board approvals click on CEU Course Approvals.
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Target Audience
Occupational, physical, speech therapists and other rehabilitation specialists. For special needs requests please contact us at
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