Specific developmental and structural issues of the rib cage and relationships to postural control, movement, oral-motor function and respiration are presented. Treatment strategies for mobilizing the rib cage and elongating the chest wall to influence postural stability that supports oral-motor function are demonstrated.
1. Identify significant anatomical/kinesiological characteristics of the typical rib cage, including oral-motor, and respiratory musculature function
2. Identify developmental characteristics of the rib cage and its influence on other developmental processes.
3. Describe facilitation techniques for improving rib cage function
4. Describe treatment strategies for improving rib cage function.
Level I Introductory/no prerequisites required.
Accepted by NBCOT for PDUs. Approved by the California and Illinopis Speech Therapy Boards, Approve by CABOT Advanced Practice in Swallowing APP-S39, Approved by the New York State PT Board, California PT Board, Illinois PT Board. For other State PT Board approvals click on CEU Course Approvals on the CEU Course Listing Page. Approved by The Ilinnois Early Intervention Training Program (IEITP) for 3.0 hrs. Atypical Development
9.0 hrs Intervention
3.0 hrs Typical Development
Complete all the seminars in this category and receive a special Certificate of Clinical Enhancement. High Speed Internet Connection Required. Wireless connections may not be consistently fast enough to watch long video files. You may need to have your computer connected directly to your high speed modem via an internet cable.
Speech, occupational, physical,therapists and other rehabilitation specialists. For special needs requests please contact us at contactus@clinicians-view.com