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Vision and Motor Control Issues in Head Trauma

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This CEU program consists of 4 streaming videos and a PDF Informational Booklet. Some of the information in this program (TBI1 and TBI2) is included in the longer seminar SEM5B.

PTVS1 Post Traumatic Vision Syndrome (42 min.)

Presented by William V. Padula, O.D. Post Trauma Vision Syndrome is a newly identified syndrome affecting persons who have sustained a traumatic brain injury. Research findings that identified the syndrome, characteristics and symptoms, and neuro-optometric rehabilitation treatment are presented. Appropriate evaluation and treatment for this syndrome is critical to the physical rehabilitation of patients with traumatic brain injury.

VMS1 Visual Midline Shift Syndrome (34 min.)

Presented by William V. Padula, O.D. This video discusses visual midline shift syndrome as it relates to individuals who have suffered a CVA or TBI. The specific nature of the syndrome is presented, its impact on rehabilitation and appropriate neuro-optometric rehabilitation care. Assessment procedures are demonstrated and treatment through the use of prism lenses is presented.

TBI1 Head Trauma: Family Trauma (46 min.)

Presented by Christine A. Nelson, OTR, Ph.D., FAOTA. Traumatic brain injury alters the life of the patient and the family in profound ways. This video presents the real life experiences of those who have suffered a brain trauma and the impact to their families and provides insight for therapists and family caregivers.

TBI2 Head Trauma and Related Tissue Trauma (35 min.)

Presented by Christine A. Nelson, OTR, Ph.D., FAOTA. Often overlooked in the rehabilitation of patients with head trauma is the secondary trauma to tissue as a result of a traumatic event. Restrictions are caused by the position of the body at impact and the resultant compensatory motor patterns. This video describes a direct approach to deal with soft tissue injuries to increase joint range, muscle activation, and function.

Handouts are included in PDF File Format
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