Making the Difference with Babies: Concepts & Guidelines for Baby Treatment. This text, written just prior to Mary Quinton's passing, offers a window of insight into how she saw and treated problems in babies. Topics include highlights in development, treatment tools, the significance of multiple midline development, preparation of hands and feet, parent instruction, and much more. Provided in PDF download only.
Treatment Tools for Changing Tone and Movement Patterns (74 min.) This video demonstrates physical handling treatment tools for dissociation, pressure tapping and traction. It demonstrates how these tools are used to change tone and improve movement patterns in supine, side lying, prone, prone to sit, and sitting in a sequencial process that prepares more normal sensori-motor development in babies with abnormal movement patterns. Activities are demonstrated on a doll for clarity. Provided in MP4 download only.
The Importance of Midlines in Development (28 min.) This video describes a concept of multiple midlines and their influence on development. The organization of midlines in vertical, horizontal, and diagonal planes of movement is clearly demonstrated with emphasis on their importance for emerging righting reactions. Emergence of midline organization and righting reactions in the young infant is theorized to inhibit the development of compensatory and abnormal patterns of movement. Activities are demonstrated on a doll for clarity. Provided in MP4 download only.
The Importance of Body Image (22 min.)This video explains the concept of body image and its development. It discusses the importance for each therapist to experience her own body image in order to perceive and understand it at a deeper level. The application of body image to the development of movement is discussed. Provided in MP4 download only.
The Early Preparation of Hands & Feet and Preparation for Sitting in the Older Child (57 min.).This video demonstrates treatment for preparing the hands and feet for function, involving the sensorimotor experiences of movement control of the whole body in relation to gravity and of weight bearing. Treatment procedures are demonstrated. Further discussion centers around the problem of tight hamstrings and pelvic immobility in the older child of 2-3 years, with treatment procedures that facilitate improvement in sitting. Activities are demonstrated on a doll for clarity. Provided in MP4 download only.
Facilitating Righting Reactions and Competition of Patterns (34 min.)This video demonstrates and describes treatment procedures that elicit and facilitate righting reactions. Righting reactions are critical for integrating the baby's movement patterns. Facilitating reactions over a roll and a therapy ball are demonstrated. Activities are demonstrated on a doll for clarity. This video also discusses the concept of competition of patterns as coined by Milani-Comparetti and how it can be applied to understanding normal and atypical development. Provided in MP4 download only.
Early Treatment and Parent Orientation (31 min.).This video discusses the nature of early treatment and the importance of helping the parent to integrate treatment in the baby's daily life. "By winning the baby one can usually win the parents." Provided in MP4 download only.